Medicine Buddha - Mantra and Descriptions
benefits of medicine buddha mantra suggests eliminating pain, maha bekandze means great eliminating of pain. One explanation of the meaning of the first bekandze is that it refers to getting rid of the discomfort of true suffering, not just of illness but of all problems.
The second bekandze gets rid of all the true reason for suffering, which is not external however within the mind. This refers to karma and disturbing ideas. It is the inner cause that enables external aspects such as food and exposure to sunshine become conditions for illness.
Scientists claim that sunbaking causes skin cancer. However, without the cause in the mind, there is absolutely nothing to make external factors end up being conditions for illness. Direct exposure to sunlight is a condition for skin cancer, but it is not the main cause. For those who have actually created the cause to get skin cancer, the external phenomenon of sunlight can end up being a condition for skin cancer.
The essential concern is: Why doesn't everybody who is exposed to the sun get skin cancer? The proof that sunshine is not the primary cause of skin cancer is that not everybody who is exposed to the sun gets skin cancer.
If somebody has actually created the cause, as long as they do not do anything to cleanse it, the cause will certainly bring its own outcome, just as a seed that is planted will definitely result in a sprout as long as it is not eaten by birds and so forth. When there is a cause, as long as there is no challenge to the cause, it is natural to experience its result.
So, the second bekandze refers to eliminating the cause of issues, karma inspired by troubling thoughts.
The 3rd expression, maha bekandze, or "excellent getting rid of," refers to eliminating even the subtle imprints left on the consciousness by troubling thoughts.
The Medicine Buddha mantra in fact includes the remedy of the whole finished path to enlightenment. The first bekandze consists of the finished course of the lower capable being in basic; the second bekandze, the finished course of the middle capable remaining in basic; and maha bekandze, the graduated course of the higher capable being. The entire graduated path from the starting up to the peerless joy of full knowledge is consisted of in the Medicine Buddha mantra.
Reciting the mantra leaves imprints on our mind, so that we are also able to actualize the path contained in the mantra. It establishes the true blessing of the entire course within our heart; we can then create the whole graduated path to enlightenment, which is represented by bekandze bekandze maha bekandze.
The om is made up of 3 noises, ah, o, and ma, which represent the Medicine Buddha's completely pure holy body, holy speech, and holy mind. Actualizing the whole path to knowledge purifies our impure body, speech, and mind and transforms them into the Medicine Buddha's pure holy body, holy speech, and holy mind. We then become an ideal guide for living beings.
With our omniscient mind we have the ability to effortlessly, directly, and see without mistake the level of mind of every living being and all the techniques that fit them in order to bring them from joy to happiness, to the peerless happiness of full knowledge.
We also have the ideal power to manifest in numerous kinds to fit every living being and reveal the necessary methods to guide them, such as offering product help, education, or Dharma mentors. Whenever the positive imprint left by their past positive actions ripens, without delay of even a 2nd, we can expose different methods to assist the living being to enlightenment.